Mary Benoit

Single Mother Budgeting Guide

for a Better Life

Meet Mary Benoit

Maybe it started when I was 6 weeks pregnant and couldn’t even hear the word “vegetable” without an involuntary gag reflex.

Maybe it started when I was 6 months pregnant and couldn’t do yoga anymore because my knees were swollen.

Maybe it started when a brand new baby was depending on me to be fed every 3 hours which meant constant interruptions in sleep for Momma.

Maybe it started when I became a single mom with a 6 month old and didn’t have time to even feed myself.

Maybe it was all of the above.

I felt like I was barely treading the waters of this new life as a Busy New Mom. The health and happiness of my child came first, but I was losing myself.

I was drinking way too much coffee, my fridge hadn’t seen a vegetable in months, and I was eating junk because it was fast, easy, and there.

Then it occurred to me:

I’m surviving when I could be thriving.

I have the tools. I have the knowledge (hello, Health Coach certification). I know what steps to take.

The better I take care of myself, the more I can relish in the tremendous blessing of motherhood.

My desire is to be a fully present mother both physically and mentally. That’s what my son deserves — and it’s what I deserve too!

Mom Brain and a constant state of fatigue don’t need to be the reality of motherhood.

I’m here to create a movement for mothers.

Together, we will nourish ourselves — mind, body, and soul — so we can unlock our highest potential and cherish every moment of the best job in the world: being the best mommas to our perfect littles.

XOXO, Mary
