The Trick To a Full Pantry as a Busy New Mom

Honestly though who has time to grocery shop? Especially when you’re working full time, you have baby, you have limited free time during the week, you want to relax on the weekends, and just forget it if it’s raining or cold.

I get my groceries delivered. 

I’m not talking curbside pickup. Yes, I’ll do that sometimes, but that still requires a stop at the store. (who👏has👏time👏for👏that👏)

Is it a little more expensive? Maybe. I feel like it’s worth the convenience. It shows up RIGHT on my doorstep.

I use Thrive Market for the bulk of things. I used Misfits Market for produce for a while, but I was disappointed in their quality - although the doorstep delivery does make it a convenient option in a bind. Hello Fresh sends you ingredients for specific recipes, and Daily Harvest is a similar idea with even less prep-- although I haven’t used either myself just yet. 

I'll use local curbside pickup on occasion for anything leftover, like my coffee creamer. Target pickup is my favorite. I'll also do Aldi sometimes for very specific items.

Where I live it can be difficult to find more health conscious foods. 

Organic choices aren’t abundant, and minimal ingredient foods are scarce. This is what I love about Thrive Market. SO many health conscious choices, and I do it all from my phone. 

Misfits Market is supposed to be “discounted” organic produce. Honestly the price doesn’t feel like less than my local Kroger, but it’s probably less than Whole Foods. I never liked buying produce via grocery pickup because I never liked what was chosen for me. This still happens at times with Misfits Market, but like I said before- that doorstep convenience though. 👌

Now if you could just work in some time to wash the produce and have it ready to go in your fridge you’ll be golden. 

Think about how much time and energy you just saved yourself by having your groceries delivered right to your door. 

Now just go one more step and take 10, 20, 30 minutes to wash/prep the produce you just spent your hard earned money on so you and your child can actually enjoy it!

Once baby is 12+ months old, it does get easier to go into the store.

I still get groceries delivered, but best case scenario is I get to go into the store to pick out my own produce for the week -- preferably already washed and prepped.

The next best thing is to buy some produce that is already prepped and some that needs washing and chopping. This way I can buy myself a couple extra days to actually get that washing and chopping done.

The great thing about this is it's a fun outing for you and your toddler, you're teaching healthy lifestyle habits to your child, and you're not shopping for your whole list.

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.


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