Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling

Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling

I use an app called co-star that sends me a sometimes-ambiguous daily statement based on my horoscope.

Today’s hit me a little differently.

“Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.”

So naturally I wanted you to dig deeper into what co-star is trying to tell me here so I googled “dwelling.”

The first thing that pops up is that a dwelling is a home — where someone lives.

And I just started thinking.

As moms we give so much of our bodies and our energy to our kids. This is the nature of the job, and I’m here for it.

We, as moms, need reminding that our bodies are ours first and foremost.

We have one body to live with, one dwelling, one space.

The shape we keep it in impacts our day to day life. Our thoughts, our emotions, our level of overwhelm, our feelings of well-being.

In our homes, we get rid of clutter, take out the trash, keep the space as clean as possible, and we feel so much better when the work is done. Maintaining that feeling is, of course, an ongoing task.

But why not apply the same practice to the dwelling that is our body?

Get rid of the clutter in your mind, feed your body nourishing foods, think happy positive thoughts, stay hydrated, and truly maintain a pleasant dwelling. Just as housework, this will be a journey, an ongoing task to maintain.

And we will have so much to show for it.

Our children, especially in the very beginning, are so heavily dependent on us. We give so much of ourselves to them, but how much of ourselves do we have available to give?

The better we take care of ourselves, the more we have available to give.

We fill our cup so it can overflow and fill the cup of others.

This is the major, overarching topic I cover in my signature online course, Thriving Momma Blueprint.

Surviving isn’t good enough, we deserve to thrive.

We will be happier, and by extension, so will our kiddos.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, momma.

Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.

How To Start Your Morning With a Delicious Bang

How To Start Your Morning With a Delicious Bang

I used to be a breakfast cereal person. Especially when I was pregnant and then adapting to my new life as a mom. I knew it wasn’t the best way to start my day, but I figured (1) at least I was having breakfast and (2) there are worse things I could be eating (I was eating “healthy” cereal - Catalina Crunch).

I knew I needed to start my day with more protein, but I didn’t want eggs and sausage every morning. Plus they take time to make.

I had a protein powder I LOVED years and years ago, but I had to stop eating it once I discovered I was sensitive to some of the ingredients.

I decided I would look into it again anyway because I just needed food to taste good again and be satisfying.

Turns out…they reformulated, and there’s nothing in it my body says no to! 🙌

I started having 30g of protein first thing in the morning again with my shake and MAN has this made such a difference in my day. 

Here’s the linkto the protein powder (Chocolate AIVIA Plant Protein)! You get a discount by subscribing, which, let’s be honest, you’re gonna want to. Plus you have the option to cancel whenever, so why not?

I add an extra scoop of cacao powder because I like it extra chocolatey, and I add some frozen fruit because I like it a little sweeter.

Side note: At first I was disappointed that the new formulation isn’t as sweet as the old one, but I actually love that I can control how much sugar goes into my morning shake.

I also throw in a handful of organic greens because you can never go wrong with an extra serving of veggies. 

I add hemp seeds for the omegas and extra 10g of protein.

I use my homemade almond milk, but any kind you want is fine. I actually just use water if I'm out of milk.

I use about 2 cups of ice because I like to feel like I’m having a milkshake for breakfast.

It’s so so yummy that sometimes I’ll have it twice in a day. On the days when I’m not sure what’s for dinner, or I’m just in the mood for another milkshake for lunch!

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

How to Get Through “Cold and Flu Season” Without Getting Sick

How to Get Through “Cold and Flu Season” Without Getting Sick
Your body was not designed to become ill.

When we take care of our bodies, our bodies take care of us.

“Cold and Flu” is not a season.

High sugar intake is a season with buckets of Halloween candy, desserts on Thanksgiving, events surrounded by Christmas cookies, sweets at every holiday gathering, chocolates on Valentine’s Day & more desserts for Easter.

High stress is a season with family members who don’t get along, celebrations to coordinate among multiple households, perfect presents to find, money that shouldn’t be spent, food to prepare, shopping to do, places to be & schedules that are packed.

When we get busy, self care is the first thing to go. Morning lemon water, yoga stretches, regular sleep, nutritious breakfasts, veggies throughout the day, sufficient water intake.

70% of your immune system is in your gut. Nourishing your gut health is a top priority when it comes to maintaining a thriving immune system.

Probiotic before bed THEN 8oz lemon water right out of bed THEN protein for breakfast THEN morning coffee (organic, if you can). (This is my favorite probiotic and this is my favorite gut-loving coffee.)

Manage your stress with time carved out just for you. 10 minutes first thing in the morning before the day starts, 15 minutes before crawling into bed. However it works best in your schedule. 

Quiet your mind. Read a chapter in a book for pleasure. Look up a video for some gentle yoga. Sit in stillness and pray or meditate. Go for a walk around the block. (This is my current favorite quick yoga video.)

Turn off your phone. Keep the screens off for a while. Don’t check your notifications first thing in the morning. Start your day slowly.

As tempting as it may be, limit sugary, processed foods as much as possible. These wreak havoc on your gut, which means they wreak havoc on your immune system. 

Stay active during colder months. Make sure you’re getting at least 7 hours of sleep at night. Prioritize Vitamin D levels and water intake. (This is my favorite Vitamin D supplement and this is what I carry my water around in.)

And irony of ironies, worrying about getting sick makes you more susceptible to getting sick.

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

You Are Creating Your Reality

You Are Creating Your Reality
Did you know…

Your brain can’t tell the difference between what is true and what you imagine to be true.

It’s why we jump during scary movies.

It’s why we feel stressed just thinking about stressful situations. 

It’s why vision boards help people reach their goals.

Have you ever woken up from an upsetting dream not quite realizing that it wasn’t reality? So then it takes you a few moments — or sometimes even a few days — to recover from the situation?

Yes, the situation that never actually happened. 

I had a dream a few days ago that still pops up in the back of my mind! And when that happens, I have to remind myself all over again that it didn’t actually happen.

It got me thinking: if we can be so easily convinced fiction is reality, why do we limit ourselves so much? Why do we shortchange ourselves? Why are we not doing the impossible?

We’re the ones holding ourselves back.

Call it self sabotage or self preservation, but you truly have the power to change your reality through your thoughts and your mind.

What if we started speaking life over ourselves?

Instead of “I’ll never be healthy,” think “I’m learning to make better choices.” Or better yet, imagine yourself at optimal health! What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where are you? What are you wearing? Paint as detailed a picture as you can, and revisit that place often.

Replace “I’m a terrible cook” with “I look forward to practicing with new recipes.” Better yet, imagine what your dishes will look like, will taste like, will smell like. You can do this!!

Our brain is such a powerful tool, and we don’t even take full advantage of it.

Take back the power and start creating the reality you want.

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

33 Non Candy Alternatives for Halloween

33 Non Candy Alternatives for Halloween
It’s no secret candy is bad for you. We all know this, but sometimes it’s hard to get away from, especially around Halloween.

Trick or Treating is a fun activity for family and friends to do together, but that usually results in coming home with lots and lots of candy.

I’ll be the first to say my will power isn’t usually that great. If it’s right in front of me and I’m not allergic, I’ll usually eat it. This is why I don’t like to bring the unhealthy things in my house in the first place. Remove the temptation!

But what happens when you fill your house with candy to give out on Halloween? 

Have you ever bought candy for trick or treaters but had to go back to the store for more because you ate it all?

You have a few options here: 
1. Buy candy you don’t like — but you’re still spending your money on garbage
2. Buy the “healthier” candies like the YumEarth brand — but it’s still candy and also more expensive
3. Look for non-candy alternatives! — the best part is these won’t go bad like candy will, so you can use your leftovers next year!

Here are some ideas for non-candy alternatives to give out this Halloween:
13- Yo-yos
14- Kazoos
32- Baby pumpkins

Any of these options means your “treat” will last much longer than a few seconds, you're not filling your house with a bunch of sweets leading up to the holiday, and you're helping trick or treaters limit their stash of belly ache inducing candies.

Also, there are kids who have food allergies you can’t predict, so this is a great way to make sure you have something for everyone! 

And hopefully those hooligans who dump entire bowls of candy into their bags would be less likely to do so with these non candy items. I mean, honestly, what would they do with 50 pairs of vampire teeth?

You can also snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

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