You Are Creating Your Reality
Did you know…

Your brain can’t tell the difference between what is true and what you imagine to be true.

It’s why we jump during scary movies.

It’s why we feel stressed just thinking about stressful situations. 

It’s why vision boards help people reach their goals.

Have you ever woken up from an upsetting dream not quite realizing that it wasn’t reality? So then it takes you a few moments — or sometimes even a few days — to recover from the situation?

Yes, the situation that never actually happened. 

I had a dream a few days ago that still pops up in the back of my mind! And when that happens, I have to remind myself all over again that it didn’t actually happen.

It got me thinking: if we can be so easily convinced fiction is reality, why do we limit ourselves so much? Why do we shortchange ourselves? Why are we not doing the impossible?

We’re the ones holding ourselves back.

Call it self sabotage or self preservation, but you truly have the power to change your reality through your thoughts and your mind.

What if we started speaking life over ourselves?

Instead of “I’ll never be healthy,” think “I’m learning to make better choices.” Or better yet, imagine yourself at optimal health! What does it look like? What does it feel like? Where are you? What are you wearing? Paint as detailed a picture as you can, and revisit that place often.

Replace “I’m a terrible cook” with “I look forward to practicing with new recipes.” Better yet, imagine what your dishes will look like, will taste like, will smell like. You can do this!!

Our brain is such a powerful tool, and we don’t even take full advantage of it.

Take back the power and start creating the reality you want.

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.


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