Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling

I use an app called co-star that sends me a sometimes-ambiguous daily statement based on my horoscope.

Today’s hit me a little differently.

“Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.”

So naturally I wanted you to dig deeper into what co-star is trying to tell me here so I googled “dwelling.”

The first thing that pops up is that a dwelling is a home — where someone lives.

And I just started thinking.

As moms we give so much of our bodies and our energy to our kids. This is the nature of the job, and I’m here for it.

We, as moms, need reminding that our bodies are ours first and foremost.

We have one body to live with, one dwelling, one space.

The shape we keep it in impacts our day to day life. Our thoughts, our emotions, our level of overwhelm, our feelings of well-being.

In our homes, we get rid of clutter, take out the trash, keep the space as clean as possible, and we feel so much better when the work is done. Maintaining that feeling is, of course, an ongoing task.

But why not apply the same practice to the dwelling that is our body?

Get rid of the clutter in your mind, feed your body nourishing foods, think happy positive thoughts, stay hydrated, and truly maintain a pleasant dwelling. Just as housework, this will be a journey, an ongoing task to maintain.

And we will have so much to show for it.

Our children, especially in the very beginning, are so heavily dependent on us. We give so much of ourselves to them, but how much of ourselves do we have available to give?

The better we take care of ourselves, the more we have available to give.

We fill our cup so it can overflow and fill the cup of others.

This is the major, overarching topic I cover in my signature online course, Thriving Momma Blueprint.

Surviving isn’t good enough, we deserve to thrive.

We will be happier, and by extension, so will our kiddos.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, momma.

Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.


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