Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling

Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling

I use an app called co-star that sends me a sometimes-ambiguous daily statement based on my horoscope.

Today’s hit me a little differently.

“Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.”

So naturally I wanted you to dig deeper into what co-star is trying to tell me here so I googled “dwelling.”

The first thing that pops up is that a dwelling is a home — where someone lives.

And I just started thinking.

As moms we give so much of our bodies and our energy to our kids. This is the nature of the job, and I’m here for it.

We, as moms, need reminding that our bodies are ours first and foremost.

We have one body to live with, one dwelling, one space.

The shape we keep it in impacts our day to day life. Our thoughts, our emotions, our level of overwhelm, our feelings of well-being.

In our homes, we get rid of clutter, take out the trash, keep the space as clean as possible, and we feel so much better when the work is done. Maintaining that feeling is, of course, an ongoing task.

But why not apply the same practice to the dwelling that is our body?

Get rid of the clutter in your mind, feed your body nourishing foods, think happy positive thoughts, stay hydrated, and truly maintain a pleasant dwelling. Just as housework, this will be a journey, an ongoing task to maintain.

And we will have so much to show for it.

Our children, especially in the very beginning, are so heavily dependent on us. We give so much of ourselves to them, but how much of ourselves do we have available to give?

The better we take care of ourselves, the more we have available to give.

We fill our cup so it can overflow and fill the cup of others.

This is the major, overarching topic I cover in my signature online course, Thriving Momma Blueprint.

Surviving isn’t good enough, we deserve to thrive.

We will be happier, and by extension, so will our kiddos.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself, momma.

Your body is, first and foremost, a dwelling.

How To Start Your Morning With a Delicious Bang

How To Start Your Morning With a Delicious Bang

I used to be a breakfast cereal person. Especially when I was pregnant and then adapting to my new life as a mom. I knew it wasn’t the best way to start my day, but I figured (1) at least I was having breakfast and (2) there are worse things I could be eating (I was eating “healthy” cereal - Catalina Crunch).

I knew I needed to start my day with more protein, but I didn’t want eggs and sausage every morning. Plus they take time to make.

I had a protein powder I LOVED years and years ago, but I had to stop eating it once I discovered I was sensitive to some of the ingredients.

I decided I would look into it again anyway because I just needed food to taste good again and be satisfying.

Turns out…they reformulated, and there’s nothing in it my body says no to! 🙌

I started having 30g of protein first thing in the morning again with my shake and MAN has this made such a difference in my day. 

Here’s the linkto the protein powder (Chocolate AIVIA Plant Protein)! You get a discount by subscribing, which, let’s be honest, you’re gonna want to. Plus you have the option to cancel whenever, so why not?

I add an extra scoop of cacao powder because I like it extra chocolatey, and I add some frozen fruit because I like it a little sweeter.

Side note: At first I was disappointed that the new formulation isn’t as sweet as the old one, but I actually love that I can control how much sugar goes into my morning shake.

I also throw in a handful of organic greens because you can never go wrong with an extra serving of veggies. 

I add hemp seeds for the omegas and extra 10g of protein.

I use my homemade almond milk, but any kind you want is fine. I actually just use water if I'm out of milk.

I use about 2 cups of ice because I like to feel like I’m having a milkshake for breakfast.

It’s so so yummy that sometimes I’ll have it twice in a day. On the days when I’m not sure what’s for dinner, or I’m just in the mood for another milkshake for lunch!

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

What I Wish I Knew About Maternity Clothes

What I Wish I Knew About Maternity Clothes

To the pregnant momma thinking she'll put off buying maternity clothes: JUST DO IT NOW🧡

I wish this blog existed for me when I was early in my pregnancy. So here ya go - and you're welcome. 

Nursing Bras
Size up if you’re comfortable enough doing that. If not, know you’ll likely have to size up later. You do not want a snug fit. Leave plenty of room for that milk to come in. 

Once baby is here, you’ll want that extra space so you don’t end up with a clogged duct or a milk blister. 

Both can be pretty inevitable, but it will at least be less likely or less frequent if you don’t have a snug-fit bra. You may want to get “out-and-about” type nursing bras that make you look and feel more secure and protected (this usually means a cup insert) as well as lounge nursing bras for around the house.

I love Senita Athletics Go With The Flow Nursing Bras for everyday wear. For lounging around, Kindred Bravely Lounge Bras are nice.

I finally bought maternity leggings when I ended up having to unbutton my pants at work. Thank goodness they were high rise and my shirt covered it. 

What I didn’t realize is I’d be wearing these for several months postpartum too! 

It’s not like “oh, baby’s out, better go grab my pre-pregnancy pants”. Your body needs time and space to heal and transition. Just be comfy now instead of putting it off until you’re 7 months pregnant. You’ll feel more confident and more beautiful in clothes that fit your body well. 

I’m still wearing maternity shirts. They’re cute and comfy and look totally fine! It’s basically just some extra fabric in the tummy area to make room for the baby bump, so think of these as a long term investment in your wardrobe! 

There’s no rulebook that says you can only wear maternity shirts when you’re pregnant. 

Once baby is here you’ll be in pajamas a LOT (lounge clothes at least), AND regardless of whether you’re breastfeeding, you’ll likely be trying to get in as much skin-to-skin time as possible. I wish I could go back and tell my younger self to invest in some front-button pajama shirts. This goes back to feeling beautiful again. 

Having your own clothes that you like, you feel comfortable in, are pretty to look at, and are functional for your new life as a mother is a nice stepping stone to feeling like yourself again.

Compression socks 
Not sure if you’ll ever actually need these outside your last month of pregnancy, but they really do wonders for swollen ankles. 

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.

From Toxic Disinfectant Wipes to Non-Toxic Household Cleaner: A Journey

From Toxic Disinfectant Wipes to Non-Toxic Household Cleaner: A Journey
I used to be the person to use a disinfecting wipe for everything. If it didn’t smell like chemicals, it wasn’t clean. My bathroom, my cell phone, the kitchen. When I moved into my college dorm, I wiped everything from floor to ceiling down with disinfecting wipes. 

According to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, disinfecting wipes are considered pesticides

Do you know what pesticides do? 

Their job is to break down the nervous system of pests/insects. 

If that’s what it does to a bug, just imagine what it’s doing to you. Your skin is your largest organ. Anything that touches your skin goes into your bloodstream and is then carried to every organ in your body, including those in your digestive tract which make up your “gut.”

Disinfecting wipes and other cleaners come with safety warnings to not let your skin come in direct contact, but I think it’s safe to say most people don’t follow this guideline. I surely didn’t. 

If a chemical shouldn’t touch your skin, I personally wouldn’t want to inhale it either. Nowadays, disinfecting chemicals give me a headache. I can’t stand them.

So what’s the alternative? 

A lot of people use vinegar to clean. You just mix a solution of 1/2 water, 1/2 white vinegar in a spray bottle. You can add essential oils, too.

While this isn’t my preferred cleaning solution (I don’t want my house smelling like salad dressing), I definitely add vinegar to my washer and dishwasher for an extra cleaning boost. 

THIS is what I use on everything in my house from floor to ceiling. I mix a capful into a spray bottle of water and go to town. It smells like Christmas, and there’s never a doubt in my mind that it’s doing the job. 

It’s made with natural ingredients, so I don’t worry about it touching my skin or even my baby’s. 

When I mop the floor, I don’t worry about the dogs walking on it either. It’s truly liberating. 

I spray the floor and use this mop to wipe it up. I find it helpful to have multiple head refills so you have plenty of clean mop heads to get the job done.

During the past few years, some people even stated washing their produce in bleach. This causes more harm than good because it will seep into your produce and end up right in your body.

THIS is what I use to clean my produce, and it does an awesome job. 

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Join my free Facebook group here where you'll find a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training and more! 
You can also snag my free guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here.

Rebranding: Why My Logo Changed

Rebranding: Why My Logo Changed
You’ve heard the cliche before. Becoming a mother changes you. It’s a cliche for a reason — there’s truth to it. 

Having had my son, I know a love I’ve never known before. A love no one can know until they experience it for themselves. I have a responsibility I never had before. A purpose I never felt before.

Despite so much that’s changed, I still love being a health coach — talking about simple changes anyone can make to create real benefit in their life and therefore living a healthier, happier & longer life. Especially talking about naturally and holistically kicking eczema to the curb, since that’s what I struggled with for years. 

But it got me thinking about my brand. And it all really started with a blanket I bought for my baby. 

When you see the image of sun rays like the one above, what do you think of - a sunrise or a sunset?

When I first bought this blanket for my son, there was never a doubt in my mind it was a sunrise. But then I got thinking it could just as easily be a sunset. 

Why did my mind automatically think sunrise when it could just as easily be a sunset? Because of what a sunrise means to me. A sunrise represents a new day, new opportunities, light after dark, fresh starts, endless possibilities, clean slates..

Every day is a new opportunity to make a healthier choice. Just because you fell out of your exercise routine, eating habits, meditation practice, etc. does not mean you can’t jump back in whenever suits you and your season of life. Give yourself grace and be constantly striving for your own personal best.

All that to say: my logo now sports a sunrise. The more I thought about what a sunrise represents, the more I loved it. Waking with the sun, living by the elements, represents a balanced life to me. 

I want my clients, followers, friends to feel like optimal health is attainable for them no matter where they are in their journey. If you’re at the beginning or somewhere in the middle, there’s always a new chance for a new goal to be set, but you must also give yourself grace. Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.

If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here where you'll find a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training and more! 
You can also snag my free guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here!

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