Step 2 of My Gut Healing Journey

Step 2 of My Gut Healing Journey
First of all, if you missed last week’s post, hop on over to Step 1 of My Gut Healing Journey to get yourself all caught up.

Now that we’re all on the same page, I’ll continue.

I learned about the importance of organic. I was shocked to find coffee beans are actually one of the most heavily sprayed crops, so I always look for organic coffee. This can be slim pickin’s at a lot of grocery stores, but Trader Joe’s especially, I know for a fact has delicious organic coffee!

Now let’s talk about coffee for a second. I know this is a huge fan favorite, BUT (especially if you’re on a journey to heal your gut or you just have a history of digestive issues) this is not the best thing to have first thing in the morning. This isn’t the first thing you want in your stomach, especially if you took a 
probiotic the night before (which I hope you did! Especially if you know your gut health needs extra support).

The thing about having coffee first thing in the morning is it can wipe out all the good bacteria that formed in your gut from your probiotic the night before. So it’s almost like the probiotic was a complete waste of your time and money.

Lemon water is the best thing to start your morning with! And next is your breakfast.

I learned about the 
Dirty Dozen list from my health coach. This is a list of fruits and veggies that have the highest pesticide count; therefore, these are the ones you’ll want to buy organic if your grocery budget is tighter. If you’re able, 100% organic would be ideal!

Pesticides wreak absolute havoc on your gut.

If you’ve clicked the link to the Dirty Dozen list above, you know that dark, leafy green are on that list. Which brings me to our morning shake.

Last week we talked about how important it is to eat plenty of veggies. 
Your morning shake is the perfect way to get veggies in first thing.

Here’s the recipe I use:
6 oz water
4 oz almond milk
1 c ice
1 large handful of ORGANIC dark, leafy greens
⅓ c fruit (berries are great, but I usually use pineapple)
1 scoop protein powder (I use 
Truvani but Nature’s Sunshine is also super yummy)
3 tbsp hemp seeds

You can play with it to your liking, but make sure you get your protein in there and don’t leave out the greens!

That's all for now, but be on the lookout for part 3 next week!

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

Step 1 of My Gut Healing Journey

Once I found out my eczema was gut health related, what did I do?

The VERY first thing I did? I honestly don’t remember. I think I just let it sink in. I may have started taking a probiotic again, but I wasn’t sure what the right steps were. I was in limbo for a little while.

A series of divine interventions led to me finding a free workshop my soon-to-be Health Coach was offering on gut health. I remember the flyer saying “eczema” and “gut health” and that’s all I really needed to be on board!

I went to her free workshop and then enrolled in her program. It was several weeks long during which time she educated us on different topics each week.

She talked about food. Grains. High glycemic versus low glycemic. Some things have stuck with me since going through her program like white rice and white potatoes versus brown rice and sweet potatoes. The first couple are high glycemic. The latter couple are low glycemic.

When you’re on a journey to heal your gut, low glycemic is easier on your digestive system. I still choose brown rice over white (in fact, I don’t even buy white rice and I cringe when it’s my only option eating out) and I order sweet potato fries over normal fries when I have the option.

Brown rice, quinoa & sweet potatoes are my easy go-tos when I’m trying to formulate a healthy meal.

Some easy (or no so easy?) things to cut out (or cut waaaaay back) are the super-inflammatory culprits. Gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol. Processed foods can also be very inflammatory. A lot of them are also filled with addictive chemicals so you keep overeating and buying more. Ideally you want your food to COME FROM a plant, not be MADE IN a plant. See the difference?

Another not-so-fun guideline was to avoid eating out at all costs. The bottom line is you don't know what goes on in the kitchen. The sourcing of the meat, the vegetables, how much salt or sugar is added, etc.

Speaking of sourcing of meat: 
organic, grass fed beef. organic, free range chicken. wild caught (rather than farm raised) seafood. As far as vegetables, organic is preferred. In season and local is even better.

Let me emphasize right now that a restrictive diet is NOT something I recommend long term. (Although cutting out processed foods and sticking with organic meats is always a good idea.) On a journey to heal your gut? Sure! But only eating 5-7 different foods all the time is NOT good for your health.

Variety is the spice of life, and variety in your diet is actually essential!

This was a “detox” for us in the program. A “reset” for our bodies. We would not follow these “rules” long term, but for these several weeks we did the best we could. We just ate a nice, clean diet filled with high quality whole foods. Although - like I said - a lot of these practices stayed with me and would be good for you as well!

Vegetables were a huge part of that. Fruit too (organic green apples and berries have the least sugar), but vegetables more-so. Making sure your plate is at least half veggies is really important.

CHEWING is also really important! One week Jackie challenged us to chew our food 30 times before swallowing. Try it! It’s difficult!

This just begins to scrape the surface of my journey, so hang on tight for part 2 next week.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

Spoiler Alert! Your Eczema is Probably Gut Health Related

There are different kinds of eczema. It doesn’t look the same for everyone. But it’s embarrassing and painful. That much is the same across the board.

For me, eczema looked like I was wearing gloves. Every single person thought it was SO odd that there was such a defined line right at my wrist. My hands would get beet red when I had a really bad flare up, and that was more often than not. This was so bad that I was asked it if was sunburn several times. Nope, it’s eczema. But it sure does burn.

If I was really lucky, the back of my hands, my knuckles, and even my fingers would crack almost like winter skin. But it was year round.

It was downright awful. And I had no idea what was causing it. The worst part? Neither did the dermatologists. They ran some tests and determined it was environmental. I was instructed to stay away from products with 
Fragrance, and I was prescribed a topical steroid ointment and cream.

The ointment and cream really did help a lot, but 
the eczema kept coming back. And those topicals were not cheap. So it came time for another prescription refill, and in an act of frustration and desperation, I decided to figure out for myself what was causing my eczema. Naturally I turned to Google: “Causes of eczema.” (And for the record, I do believe if one finds herself dependent on a prescription to cover up a symptom, she at least owes it to herself to try to find the root of the problem.)

Something came up that caught my eye. It’s called Leaky Gut. What they don’t tell you in western medical practices is that 
eczema is totally and completely related to the health of your gut. This blew my mind. This was a complete game changer. But this was just the beginning of the road.

This started my journey of 
healing my gut. For me, this looked like working with a Health Coach in her Gut Health workshop. I cut way down on processed foods, started changing out products in my home for plant-based options without chemicals, and took healing supplements like probiotics, hemp oil & detoxers.

I learned about the bacteria in your gut. How you have good bacteria and bad bacteria, and this is normal. But when the bad bacteria outweigh the good bacteria, that’s when you have issues like eczema, acne, infertility, anxiety, depression, fatigue. You know that saying about a “gut feeling”? There’s truth to that because your gut is truly your second brain. Some would argue it’s your first. 
When there's something in your body that feels "off," healing your gut will likely solve a lot of your problems.

I was mind. blown. when I found out everything gut health impacts. (I was also a bit upset - "WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THIS BEFORE?") And like any health journey, it wasn’t quite linear for me. I still had work to do. There were still some missing pieces I had to pull together. But we’ll save that for next week.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

The Importance of Slowing Down

The Importance of Slowing Down
We live in a world of go, go, go. A global pandemic forced us all to take a pause for a little while, but a lot of us are back to being busy. A lot.

First of all, if you haven’t seen this said anywhere else yet: being busy is not a badge of honor. Being SO busy that you don’t have time to cook for yourself is not a badge of honor.
Being SO busy that you don’t have time to get 7-9 hours of sleep at night is not a badge of honor.
Being SO busy that you don’t have time to exercise or take the dog for a walk is NOT a badge of honor.
In fact, it’s a really great way to make yourself sick.

What do I mean by that? 
A state of constant stress wreaks havoc on your immune system.

Have you ever been fighting off a cold, but you have so much going on that you didn’t take the time to slow down and give your body the rest it needed to fight whatever bug off, so you ended up getting sick? Your immune system was under too much stress to do its job.

I recently learned that when a doctor performs an organ transplant, the patient is given a stress hormone that our bodies produce when under massive stress IN ORDER TO SHUT DOWN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM so the body doesn’t reject the new organ.

If that doesn’t paint a picture of the insane destruction stress has over our bodies, I don’t know what will!

Another saying you’ve probably heard is “you are what you eat.” Well, in health coaching I learned this saying should actually go “you are what you absorb.” If your body isn’t digesting properly, it won’t absorb properly.

In order to ensure optimal digestion, your body needs to be in a state of calm.

Your body is EITHER in “Fight or Flight” OR “Rest & Digest.” Can you guess which one you want to be in when you’re eating?

Fight or Flight is great if you’re being chased by a bear, but we don’t want or need that adrenaline rush when we’re eating.

In order to digest our food properly, our bodies need to be in Rest & Digest. This means 
making mealtimes sacred. This means turning off screens. This means NOT eating dinner in front of the TV or while scrolling instagram.

REST & digest. Give your body the chance it needs to 
calm down so it can function the way it was designed to.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

Simple Changes Making a Huge Impact

Simple Changes Making a Huge Impact
So you want to be healthy. That’s awesome! Good for you. So where do you start?

If you completely change your entire routine (the “cold turkey” route) your chances of success are much lower. 

You can’t go from fast food, Cheetos, soda & zero exercise every day to organic tofu, broccoli & an hour workout every day. This isn’t sustainable. It will be a shock to your system and your taste buds.

Let’s also talk about calorie counting for a minute. I’m not a calorie counter. Never have been. Never will be.

Do you actually expect to continue counting calories for the rest of your life? Probably not. So the moment you reach your end goal (whatever that is), chances are you’ll go right back to the way you used to be.

More likely than not, you’ll end up gaining all the weight back and then some from all the deprivation you put yourself through. 

I’m a health coach but I eat cheesecake. I’m a health coach but I eat French fries. I’m a health coach but I eat donuts

Do I do this all the time? Absolutely not! It’s all about balance and you do NOT have to give up the foods you love to be healthy. 

Here’s what’s sustainable: one step at a time, one choice at a time. First, work on getting more vegetables into each meal. This was key in my weight loss journey. Just. Eat. More. Veggies. 

The more vegetables you eat, the fuller you get. So you’ll have less room for the less healthy but maybe more indulgent foods, so you’ll eat less of them!

Next, take a look at how much processed food you’re eating. How much processed food is in your pantry? How much of your breakfast is processed food? Your lunch? Your dinner? It’s kind of a gross term but these are “dead foods”. If you want the vitality drained out of you, this is what you eat. These are chips, cookies, pop tarts, beef sticks - anything in a package with an ingredient list basically. Anything made in a factory.

If you want to feel energized and light and happy, stick with the “living foods”. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Whole Foods. Whole grains. Organic meats. Beans. Nuts and seeds. 

Again, please do not go cold turkey. Just keep these tips in mind during your next shopping trip. Get one less bag of chips and replace it with carrots and hummus. Or apples and peanut butter. Or both! Variety is a very good thing.

One healthy decision will lead to another and soon your body won’t even accept your old way of living anymore. You’ll try to give yourself a fast food burger for dinner in a pinch and you’ll feel like you’re going to throw up - at least that’s what happened to me!

Your body will tell you what makes it feel good. You just have to be paying close enough attention to notice what it’s trying to say. Then act accordingly.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

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