How to Eat Well Without Breaking Your Budget

What if I told you there’s a way to not only SAVE MONEY but also EAT HEALTHY?! Would you do it? Heck yes you would, right??


It’s really not complicated – it’s actually very simple!

Two words: Meal. Planning.


That’s it! Although I recognize this is easier said than done. It takes time and effort, but aren’t you worth it? Yes! Yes, you are.


Meal planning is self-care. A well-balanced diet is self-care.


Meal planning is setting yourself up for success! You know what you like, you know where you shop, you know what you usually buy. Come up with your meal plan for the week (or the next two weeks) and set your grocery list from there!


You’ll find you already have ingredients for some of your meals in your pantry. Other ingredients you’ll be glad you wrote on your list because you definitely wouldn’t have thought to pick them up otherwise.


The weeks I have a meal plan & go shopping off the grocery list I compiled based off that meal plan – those are the weeks I come up UNDER budget on our grocery bill. YES. EVEN BUYING THE ORGANIC STUFF.


It truly pays to have a plan. But there are more than just financial benefits!


There are weeks I completely FAIL at meal planning. I’ll admit it. Meal planning has been my nemesis for YEARS. I do not feel creative when it comes to food, and most of my life I’ve had a very restricted diet so that limits my options even more. Because of this, I usually end up coming up with the same 3 meals ALL THE TIME much to the dismay of my husband – but I don’t enjoy it either!


Mix it up. Try one new recipe a week. Try one new vegetable a week! Make Saturdays meal planning days and Sundays grocery shopping days. Do not skip this! Work it into your schedule. Make it a priority. Because if you don’t........


You’ll end up snacking on chips and chocolate before dinner because you have no idea what to make, but you’re hungry NOW. You’re hungry NOW because you didn’t plan your lunch, so you didn’t have much to eat. You didn’t have much to eat because there isn’t much in the house. There isn’t much in the house because you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs! And you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs, so you end up snacking on chips and chocolate!!! Trust me. Been there.


Do you see how IMPORTANT meal planning is?!


It truly sets the tone for your entire week. It’s the difference between feeling nourished & happy or hungry & dissatisfied.


SO! Do yourself a favor, and DON’T. SKIP. MEAL. PLANNING.


You can find an affiliate link for my favorite meal planning/grocery list guide here

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more of my favorite wellness resources – free of charge. <3

The Magic of a Wind-Down Routine

Did you know your “day” starts the night before? It’s true. If you don’t go to bed early enough (or you don’t sleep well), you’re going to wake up groggy, probably run late & worst case scenario your whole day falls behind. I cannot stand the stress of rushing around – especially first thing in the morning! – so here are some tips to make sure you set yourself up for the BEST day!


1. Choose your clothes the night before

Some of us are still working from home and we don’t technically need to get dressed in the morning (Go Team PJ’s!) so if that’s you, just skip on over to #2 BUT if you are someone that needs to be up, dressed & out the door – laying your clothes out the night before isn’t just for kids!


It seems simple, but not having to rush around looking for a matching sock or the “right” sweater can save you some serious stress in the morning – and I truly believe your morning sets the tone for your whole day!


2. Turn your screens off

If possible, stop looking at screens AT LEAST an hour before going to bed. If this is impossible, use a blue light blocker (I actually have a setting on my iPhone and laptop for the screen to go into “night mode” at a certain time). The blue light makes your brain think it’s still daytime, so it still wants to be “up and at ‘em.” If you’re one who is used to the TV on while you sleep, try music instead.


3. Have a nice, warm cup of herbal tea

This tells your body it’s time to relax. And it’s a nice way to avoid unnecessary snacking at night!! If I’m snacking right before bed, I KNOW I’m not sleeping well that night.


4. Take a soothing bath or shower

I am Team Nighttime Showers. Not only does this save you time in the morning (or maybe it gets you 20 more minutes of sleep), but you’ll probably sleep better being nice and clean. Plus the warmth and steam of the shower (or bath water) helps your muscles relax

BONUS: take your experience to spa-level by throwing an essential oil shower steamer on the floor or toss a cup or two of unscented Epsom salt in your bath water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil!


5. Diffuse a relaxing essential oil

My favorite is Lavender! I also love Stress Away & Eucalyptus. Essential oils work with your body on a cellular level and can be a truly powerful part of your Wind Down Routine. When I smell Lavender, my body knows it’s time to relax.


6. Read for 30 minutes (at least)

I sleep SO much better when I have read before going to sleep. It puts my mind at ease and is such a relaxing thing to do moments before I close my eyes.

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also request to join my new Facebook group for more tips to come – free of charge. <3

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