Why I Never Buy Products with Fragrance

I’ll start by saying I KNOW this is not a popular topic. People like what they like and they don’t want to budge.
That’s fine. I get it. BUT you should at least KNOW what you’re buying.
FRAGRANCE is listed as an ingredient on probably every single personal care product in your home as well as in cleaners, candles, air fresheners & fabric softener.
It’s quite literally EVERYWHERE, but here’s the thing: This is the FIRST ingredient I look for when I’m shopping. If “fragrance” or “parfum” is listed as an ingredient – back on the shelf it goes.
Why? Because “fragrance” itself is NOT an ingredient. I used to think it was just something added to the product to make it smell pretty and asked no questions. Then I found out “fragrance” is a term used by companies as a catch-all for thousands of different harmful chemicals; and they don’t even have to tell you what those chemicals are, because it’s considered “proprietary information.”
We do know, however, many of those chemicals are phthalates which are ENDOCRINE DISRUPTING chemicals.
What does it mean for a chemical to be disruptive to the endocrine system? Simply put, it changes the way your body works. It gets in the way of natural, normal body functions. When you think endocrine system, think hormones. It also controls your reproductive system & your metabolism. These are not things you want to mess with!
These chemicals are also taxing to your gut health, and your gut houses 70-80% of your immune system! We want to love on our gut – not contribute to its toxic load.
Long story short, when you buy something that has fragrance, you really don’t know what you’re getting. You can be sure it has harmful chemicals in it, but there’s no way of knowing exactly which ones.
You may not realize it, but you’re washing your hair with fragrance, washing your hands in fragrance, washing your clothes in fragrance, applying fragrance to your face, applying fragrance throughout your hair, spraying fragrance all over your body – and not only are you breathing in all the toxic chemicals, but they’re going STRAIGHT to your bloodstream to be carried to every organ in your body.
So, how do you avoid this? It can be hard and frustrating at times trying to find items that DON’T have fragrance, but start by looking for products that call out things like “fragrance-free,” “unscented,” & “free & clear” on the label. Make sure you still flip it over though to make sure you don’t see fragrance in the ingredient list! It’s usually toward the end of the list, so I usually start at the end and work backwards to save time.
Apps like “Think Dirty” and “EWG’s Healthy Living” can help you find cleaner products as well – but still make sure you’re double checking the ingredients.
Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more wellness tips – free of charge. <3

Your Body is Talking to You...

Your body is talking to you all the time. Listen to it.
My body has told me for years, “No, Mary, we don’t like gluten.” “No, Mary, dairy isn’t good.” And I resisted so much!! I’ve now been gluten free for about 15 years and I don’t plan on going back. I have experimented with re-introducing dairy into my diet, and almost every time, my body is like, “No, stop!”
Symptoms are your body’s way of communicating with you. It’s dangerous to shut down this method of communication because your body needs to be able to send you important messages! Health is a journey. And while I’m much farther along than I was 10 years ago (or heck! 3 years ago!) I still have recurring symptoms that I’m trying to figure out. And the truth is, I can’t do it on my own.
Skin issues are what brought me to the concept of gut health.  Gut health is related to much more than just the skin – it’s related to hormones, anxiety levels, mood and more – but symptoms showing on my skin came out to tell me something is wrong on the inside. And I’m no doctor, but I truly believe MOST symptoms/issues appearing on the skin are caused by some kind of internal storm – likely in the gut.
I’ve gone to a Naturopathic doctor several times in my life to “re-calibrate” and see what’s going on in my body. I’ve found they’re like translators! It’s so interesting all the insightful information they can uncover with unconventional testing using things like electromagnetism, your muscles & your nervous system! You can even see if your local health food store offers any sort of testing. Mine offers an Asyra test - and I'm going Saturday!
The results from these tests can be overwhelming – because you usually get news you don’t want (like your favorite go-to snack is causing problems in your body). But here’s the thing: this is what you’re looking for! This is what you need to be in tune with your body and move forward living your BEST life, in alignment with your body’s needs!
My best advice is NOT to try implementing multiple new foods and lifestyle practices all at once. Once you know what you’re working with, you can start by slowly implementing SUSTAINABLE changes in your life.
LISTEN to your body and HONOR what it’s telling you. Don’t fight it and don’t just treat the symptom. Just find another way. And that’s what us Health Coaches are here for!!

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also request to join my new Facebook group for more tips to come – free of charge. <3

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