We don’t always feel like cooking, but the truth is - as far as your health goes – you’re better off cooking your own food instead of getting takeout or going to a restaurant. Even if you’re going to make burgers and fries at home, it’s going to be healthier than going to a burger joint. Here are 3 reasons why:
1. You’re making it with the best ingredient – Vitamin L (Love). I truly believe one’s heart and soul goes into what they cook. There’s a reason Grandma’s banana bread, Nona’s pasta sauce & Mom’s tuna salad are the best! Restaurant kitchens are filled with hustle and bustle and likely high stress. This translates to the food.
2. When you make the food at home, YOU control what goes in. How much salt, how much sugar, the quantity of ingredients, the quality of ingredients. Organic versus conventional. Things like that. This makes a HUGE impact on your health. While you’re at it, cook twice as much as you need and put half aside for another day! Make it easy on yourself – cook once, eat twice!! You’ll be so glad it’s there on the days you don’t have time for or just don’t feel like cooking.
3. You’ll save money and calories by making your meal at home! $3.50 for a glass of milk? You can get a half gallon of organic whole milk for that much. (Which by the way – keep in mind if you’re buying anything but whole milk – there’s probably extra junk in there. The fat has to be replaced with SOMETHING, and it’s usually chemicals.) If you’re a soda-while-I’m-out kind of person, it’s likely you’ll be drinking more soda at the restaurant than you would if you were home. Bless that waitress’ soul but a third refill of a 20 oz soda is probably not the best idea.
With all this in mind – there’s always an exception to the rule. This doesn’t mean you can never go out to eat. Social life is important, family time is important & sometimes you just don’t want to have to clean up after dinner. Your mental health is important too, it’s just all about balance! Think of it like the 90/10 (or 80/20) rule. 90% (or 80%) of the time, cook at home. 10% (or 20%) of the time, treat yourself and go out to eat!
In the end if you’re someone that eats restaurant food 5 days a week, narrowing it down to 3 days a week is progress! Remember health is a journey and it’s about PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just do your best. One healthy choice typically leads to another. <3

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