If You Think You're Failing On Your Journey to Health
When self-doubt creeps in on your journey to optimal health, remember this: it’s about progress, not perfection – and 'set-backs' are normal.
Why is it so hard to lose weight? Because your body has a set point. This is the point at which your body knows it’s safe and can survive. It takes time, work & patience to change the set point. What determines your set point? The foods you eat. How much food you eat. How much movement your body gets throughout the day. All you daily habits - your lifestyle - add up to your set point.
Habits are a hard thing to change. And I get it – sometimes you just need that sweet treat. And that’s okay! Even health coaches have cravings sometimes, and I personally let my body have what it’s asking for – within reason.
We all know processed sugar isn’t good for you. There really isn’t such a thing as 'healthy' ice cream, 'healthy' cookies or 'healthy' cake. If it has processed flour and sugar, it’s not “good for you”, and foods go one way or the other - it’s either fighting disease or feeding it. Be mindful of this, but also don’t deprive yourself to the point where you will binge at your breaking point & quit.
With this in mind, remember there are healthier options when it comes to sweet treats. Arctic Zone is my favorite ice cream sweet treat. It doesn’t have all the sugar and icky ingredients most ice cream has. As far as cake, if you can make your own from scratch, that’s amazing. Just be mindful of the quality of ingredients you’re using. If it’s a box cake, pay attention to the ingredient list. Are there ingredients in there you can’t pronounce? Is the list so long you can barely read the font? Those are the kinds of things to consider when you’re trying to make healthier choices, but don’t want to deprive yourself.
Just remember, in a journey to weight loss – or just a journey to feel more energized, less bloated, and just better – there will be ebbs and flows. That’s natural. That’s what is supposed to happen. You won’t fail if you don’t quit. You won’t quit if you don’t deprive yourself and make small adjustments as needed. Any time you think you let yourself down or you ruined your day with a food choice or two, remember it’s not a failure. 

You’re learning how to navigate what your body needs. Be gentle with yourself.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.


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