Post Party Food Blues
For the past couple weeks we’ve been celebrating my stepdaughter’s birthday. This means planning a party with foods I don’t normally keep in my every day diet. This also means baking (and eating) a cake, and then one week later baking (and eating) cupcakes. 

Thankfully there was very little cake left over after her birthday party, but when we made two dozen cupcakes for just the three of us - there were a lot of leftovers. 

And speaking of leftovers, while there wasn’t much cake left after the birthday party the week prior, there was definitely plenty of “party food.” 

So here’s what happened - for a couple days after the party, my husband and I were eating party food leftovers. Then a couple days after that we had even more cake 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

If you haven’t heard me say it yet: Inflammation is the root of all disease. 

Also, if you haven’t heard me say it yet: A food is either fighting disease or feeding it, there is no in between. 

Some inflammatory foods are individual to a person. Others are true for all. Gluten, refined sugar, GMO corn, dairy. Those are some big ones. 

In the case for anyone with eczema - this is an inflammation issue. And it starts in the gut.

An anti-inflammatory diet is one that consists of foods that LOVE on your gut  - that DON’T contribute to inflammation in the body. 

This is always something I have in the back of my mind, especially as someone who is very sensitive to inflammation in the body (hello, eczema. But also - hello, daytime fatigue!).

Cupcakes and “party food,” I’m (kind of?) sorry to say, are inflammatory.

I had to get those cupcakes out of sight so I’d stop eating them. Yes, I know my will power is weak sometimes, but that’s why those foods usually just don’t make it in my house!!

Treats that are still yummy and won’t make me feel cruddy:
  • Fresh cut fruit and plain (NOT vanilla - look at that sugar content!) almond milk yogurt
  • Celery or apple slices with almond butter (peanut butter is, unfortunately, inflammatory in nature)
  • 70% dark chocolate- yes, this is considered a health food at 1 oz per day! Add some almonds in there to make it more filling! Or maybe melt it and dip your fruit in it?
  • A homemade tea latte! Add a bit of frothed milk to your favorite tea 🫖 
If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here. You'll want to get in there soon because that's where I'll be launching a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training in a couple weeks! 
Can't wait that long? You can also grab my new guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here to get a jumpstart!


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