3 Easy Steps to a Good Morning
I will never understand how people make plans that START at 8pm on a Friday night..

First of all, aren’t you tired from the week?

Second of all, don’t you want to have a nice Saturday morning?

I truly love mornings, but mine, admittedly, are usually rushed. I don’t get in what I’d like to get in each morning. Saturdays are my days when I can have a nice, slow morning.

If I’m up until the wee hours on a Friday night, do you think I’m getting up early Saturday to have a nice morning? No way! I’ll be getting as much sleep as I can.

Maybe you’re reading this and you just think I’m 90 years old. Maybe you’re reading this and you actually relate to what I’m saying.

I imagine if you’ve gotten this far, it’s probably the latter. :)

You’ve probably guessed by now, that my answer to the question “When do you truly set the tone for your morning?”The night before.

If I go to bed past 10, I am NOT going to have a nice morning.

Yes, I can wake up and “decide” to have a good day. I’ll drink my lemon water and hopefully get a few stretches in, but I’m not going to enjoy my morning as much as if I’ve woken up feeling refreshed.

And if it’s a Saturday morning, by the time I’m out of bed the morning is almost over. (Yes, I realize this won’t be the case once baby is here — I’ll just be downright EXHAUSTED. Another blog for another day. :) ) 

For me, it really is true that no matter how much sleep I get, I’m going to be tired the next day if I’m in bed past 10.

So — how to do ensure a good night’s rest?

#1: Go to bed at a decent hour.

For me, this is SLEEPING by 10. BUT I’ve noticed I get especially good rest if I …

#2: Read before going to sleep.

Not on your phone. Not on a kindle with a light up screen. A book. A magazine. Something that’s not electronic. Because not only does the blue light make your brain think it’s still daytime and therefore not time to wind down and go to sleep, but also the EMFs disturb your quality of sleep. Which leads me to…

#3: Keep electronics out of the bedroom.

Get yourself an actual alarm clock rather than setting it on your phone and putting it on your bedside table. Not only will you be tempted to scroll through your phone until you fall asleep, but any notifications will likely wake you up as you’re drifting off to sleep. If you have a TV in your room, turn it off at LEAST an hour before you shut your eyes. If the router is in your bedroom, unplug it. 

If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here. In there, you'll even find Make Mornings Lovely: A 7 Day Challenge, so hop in there now and start loving your mornings.


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