Can I Have More Phone?: A Story About Sleep
Okay so first let me say that a lot of my morning ritual has completely gone out the window since having a baby and that’s something I need to be okay with right now. 

Health is a journey and we do our best in each season of life. 

Right now my season of life requires late night and early morning feeding/pumping sessions. Now in order for me to keep my baby safe & not spill breast milk everywhere, I need to stay awake for those sessions. 

This has resulted in coffee before protein in the morning and screens up until moments before I go to sleep — things I preach against for the sake of gut health.

Let me tell you from personal experience: your brain does not function properly on insufficient sleep. And your brain and your gut are connected by the vagus nerve which is vital to things like mood, digestion & immunity. 

Yesterday morning I drowsily asked my husband to make coffee while I fed the baby.  He reluctantly rolled out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen. 

A few minutes later, he comes in to ask me “what vehicle” I wanted.

Excuse me, what?

I look at him like he’s crazy. 

He looks at me like “how on EARTH do you not understand what I’m saying right now.”

“Um… if you mean what VEHICLE would I like my coffee in.. a mug please?”

Then he stomps away saying something about how I asked him to make breakfast and that’s what he was trying to do.

“No, darling. I just asked you to make coffee. I didn’t ask you to make breakfast. You’re not making any sense right now. Can I please just have a cup of coffee?” (Me- desperate for caffeine)

Later that day I reminded him of this silly question he asked me and he was like “yeah I don’t know what that was supposed to mean or where that came from.”

He also proceeded to tell me that when he went out to the kitchen, he got out a platter and some kind of supplement capsule. Which supplement? He had no idea. 

Then this morning - after being woken up (too) early by a crying baby - I asked him, “can I have more phone?”

What was I trying to say? Two things: can I have my phone, and can I have more water.

The moral of the story is sleep is important. Your brain CANNOT function properly without it. So get your 8 hours if and when you can, and if you can’t - naps are your friend. 

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