Rebranding: Why My Logo Changed
You’ve heard the cliche before. Becoming a mother changes you. It’s a cliche for a reason — there’s truth to it. 

Having had my son, I know a love I’ve never known before. A love no one can know until they experience it for themselves. I have a responsibility I never had before. A purpose I never felt before.

Despite so much that’s changed, I still love being a health coach — talking about simple changes anyone can make to create real benefit in their life and therefore living a healthier, happier & longer life. Especially talking about naturally and holistically kicking eczema to the curb, since that’s what I struggled with for years. 

But it got me thinking about my brand. And it all really started with a blanket I bought for my baby. 

When you see the image of sun rays like the one above, what do you think of - a sunrise or a sunset?

When I first bought this blanket for my son, there was never a doubt in my mind it was a sunrise. But then I got thinking it could just as easily be a sunset. 

Why did my mind automatically think sunrise when it could just as easily be a sunset? Because of what a sunrise means to me. A sunrise represents a new day, new opportunities, light after dark, fresh starts, endless possibilities, clean slates..

Every day is a new opportunity to make a healthier choice. Just because you fell out of your exercise routine, eating habits, meditation practice, etc. does not mean you can’t jump back in whenever suits you and your season of life. Give yourself grace and be constantly striving for your own personal best.

All that to say: my logo now sports a sunrise. The more I thought about what a sunrise represents, the more I loved it. Waking with the sun, living by the elements, represents a balanced life to me. 

I want my clients, followers, friends to feel like optimal health is attainable for them no matter where they are in their journey. If you’re at the beginning or somewhere in the middle, there’s always a new chance for a new goal to be set, but you must also give yourself grace. Be kind to yourself. Talk to yourself like you would your best friend.

If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here where you'll find a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training and more! 
You can also snag my free guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here!


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