33 Non Candy Alternatives for Halloween
It’s no secret candy is bad for you. We all know this, but sometimes it’s hard to get away from, especially around Halloween.

Trick or Treating is a fun activity for family and friends to do together, but that usually results in coming home with lots and lots of candy.

I’ll be the first to say my will power isn’t usually that great. If it’s right in front of me and I’m not allergic, I’ll usually eat it. This is why I don’t like to bring the unhealthy things in my house in the first place. Remove the temptation!

But what happens when you fill your house with candy to give out on Halloween? 

Have you ever bought candy for trick or treaters but had to go back to the store for more because you ate it all?

You have a few options here: 
1. Buy candy you don’t like — but you’re still spending your money on garbage
2. Buy the “healthier” candies like the YumEarth brand — but it’s still candy and also more expensive
3. Look for non-candy alternatives! — the best part is these won’t go bad like candy will, so you can use your leftovers next year!

Here are some ideas for non-candy alternatives to give out this Halloween:
13- Yo-yos
14- Kazoos
32- Baby pumpkins

Any of these options means your “treat” will last much longer than a few seconds, you're not filling your house with a bunch of sweets leading up to the holiday, and you're helping trick or treaters limit their stash of belly ache inducing candies.

Also, there are kids who have food allergies you can’t predict, so this is a great way to make sure you have something for everyone! 

And hopefully those hooligans who dump entire bowls of candy into their bags would be less likely to do so with these non candy items. I mean, honestly, what would they do with 50 pairs of vampire teeth?

You can also snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.


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