Confession: My Eczema is Back

Confession: My Eczema is Back
Hi there, friends! It’s been a while. I disappeared there for a little bit (again!), and I wanted to explain why.

My main goal here is to help women with eczema overcome this struggle. It’s painful, embarrassing, annoying, disappointing and truly downright frustrating when you don’t know what the problem is.

So here’s what happened — first, I got pregnant (hello, morning sickness) so I disappeared for a bit. THEN my eczema came back. UGHHH this wasn’t supposed to happen, guys! I had just been posting about knowing your limits and saying it’s okay to eat *some* of your trigger foods in moderation once your eczema is under control. This is because for some of us, avoiding all our trigger foods all the time is really restricting and truly no way to live.

I was being SO hard on myself about the fact that I’m supposed to be the one you come to in order to get your eczema under control because I had been there and I got MY eczema under control. And then what happened?

PREGGO CRAVINGS. FRUIT is one of my eczema triggers. Well guess what? I haven’t been able to get enough fruit throughout this pregnancy. Plus I’m eating what seems like all the time and yummy high protein options don’t come with a large enough list when I'm avoiding my food triggers. So what have I been doing? Snacking on cheese.

So what you (or rather, I) have here is a perfect storm — zero restriction with my eczema trigger of fruit PLUS a daily intake of (albeit, organic) cheese which is inflammatory by nature. Because it’s yummy. And filling. And is supposed to actually be GOOD for you, but in my case my body’s just really sensitive to these things. And when you’re pregnant it’s a LOT harder to eat foods that aren’t super delicious just because you know they’re good for you. 

Add those two things on to the fact that your immune system takes a hit during pregnancy (Hello, gut health. Remember, 70% of your immune system is in your gut!) and you have a triple threat. 

So my eczema is back. 

But here’s the thing..

I know WHY it’s back. I know exactly what happened and what I’m doing to cause this. So I actually do have complete control. And I’m even proving to you that what I’ve said up until now is 100% true, because when I don’t go by what I’ve taught you — MY eczema comes back too!

As I said above, eczema is painful, embarrassing, annoying, and when this baby comes out, I don’t want him or her to have a momma with dry, scaley, cracking, bleeding hands! So I’ve upped my probiotic intake, I’m taking more digestive enzymes, and I’m really, really trying to cut back on my cheese and fruit intake! And I really have seen a difference!!

So my message to you is when you get to the point of getting your eczema under control and then it comes back, DON’T do what I did and be super hard on yourself. Evaluate the situation and make changes where you’re able. You did it before. You can do it again. And I’m here to help. Because I get you.

If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here. You'll want to get in there soon because that's where I'll be launching a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training in a couple weeks! 
Can't wait that long? You can also grab my new guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here to get a jumpstart!

Bridal Reflections on a Restrictive Diet

Bridal Reflections on a Restrictive Diet
*Updating on July 1, 2023 to mention I'm divorced now, because I feel like that’s relevant 🙃*
Thinking back on my wedding day, I'm reminded of my motivation to eat cleaner & avoid eczema triggers. I knew there would be a LOT of pictures of my hands, nice and up-close. The last thing I wanted was for red, scaley skin to be in every picture from my wedding day. 

I do not advocate for unsustainable, majorly restrictive diets. That’s not what our bodies were made for, but sometimes it’s necessary for a short period of time for your body to recalibrate. 

Leading up to the wedding, I was restricting most fruits including fruit derivatives - palm oil (in most gluten free breads, crackers, baked goods, peanut butters, etc.), vitamin A palmitate (in most store-bought dairy alternative milks), grape-based vinegar & anything with avocado, olives or coconut. Anything with garlic or onions was out too.

I didn’t come up with this list on my own. I was tested for food sensitivities by a naturopathic doctor. That didn’t make this list any easier to follow. 

And you bet your bottom dollar I indulged like crazy on the honeymoon - eating the foods I had been depriving myself of for so long. 

That list of food sensitivities is not a fluke. When I eat too much of certain foods on that list, I’m destined for a flare up. But I’m learning my boundaries. 

A year later, I'm able to eat some of the foods on my trigger list without having a flare up. 

The trick is to know what your body can handle, and not to overdo it. And if your body starts to rebel whether in the form of an eczema flare up or an unsettled stomach, you know you need to pull back. 

The moral of the story is I was desperate for clear skin on my wedding day, and for me that meant restricting for a bit. But not forever. 

Variety is the spice of life. Your body craves variety. Feeding it the same 3 foods all the time is not only boring, but it’s not good for your body systems - including your immune system. 

Your immune system depends on a healthy gut, and a healthy gut is made up of a diverse microbiome. A diverse microbiome is nurtured by a variety in diet. 

So just remember - if you need to go on a special diet for a special reason for a short amount of time, that’s totally okay. But don’t forget to keep some variety in your diet, and your life for that matter!

Step 3 of My Gut Healing Journey

Step 3 of My Gut Healing Journey
In Step 1 of My Gut Healing Journey and Step 2 of My Gut Healing Journey we talked about food. Food is so important, but the health of your gut is not just about what you eat.

It’s about what goes on your body. One of the first things almost anyone will tell you when it comes to eczema is to stop using products with fragrance on the eczema.

Fragrance is an irritant, but it’s also extremely bad for your gut health. Most fragrance (and we’re talking “fragrance” listed as an ingredient) contains phthalates which are endocrine disrupting chemicals. Your endocrine system produces hormones, and the majority of your hormones are housed in your gut!

That being said, it’s not only important to stop using fragrance on your eczema, but it’s also important to stop using it anywhere on your body! You can read more about that here.

Young Living is one brand in particular I trust 100%. I know there will never be synthetic or “natural” fragrance in their products. Anything that smells nice in their products is from clean essential oils made only with plant juice. It’s a wonderful thing.

Other brands may offer unscented or fragrance-free options. Apps like EWG Healthy Living and Think Dirty have helped me a lot in the store.

Makeups are also filled with ingredients that wreak havoc on your gut. To put things into perspective, Europe bans over 1300 chemicals from cosmetic products. The US only bans 11. Clean brands, while harder to find, do exist. Once again Young Living is my favorite for this one (they actually have a list of over 2000 chemicals they will never use in their cosmetics), but BeautyCounter is another brand I know that goes the extra mile to keep icky ingredients out.

Nail polish is another one I never thought I’d have to second guess. The big name brands are filled with harmful chemicals like Toluene, Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP), Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin, and Camphor. Look for 5-Free (even better is 6, 7, or 8-free!) nail polishes like Olive & JuneElla + MilaStatic.

The health of your gut is also directly related to your levels of stress. Your gut can only repair itself when it’s in rest and digest mode. If you’re in fight or flight all the time, that’s not good for your gut!

Taking time to relax, destress, breathe & just take time for you is so important. The main reason I started using essential oils (which I’m obsessed with now by the way) was to help me relax. You can read more about that here.

Getting enough sleep is important too! This is optimal rest and digest time! Taking your probiotic and then getting in bed to get 7-9 hours of sleep will do you SO much good.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

Step 2 of My Gut Healing Journey

Step 2 of My Gut Healing Journey
First of all, if you missed last week’s post, hop on over to Step 1 of My Gut Healing Journey to get yourself all caught up.

Now that we’re all on the same page, I’ll continue.

I learned about the importance of organic. I was shocked to find coffee beans are actually one of the most heavily sprayed crops, so I always look for organic coffee. This can be slim pickin’s at a lot of grocery stores, but Trader Joe’s especially, I know for a fact has delicious organic coffee!

Now let’s talk about coffee for a second. I know this is a huge fan favorite, BUT (especially if you’re on a journey to heal your gut or you just have a history of digestive issues) this is not the best thing to have first thing in the morning. This isn’t the first thing you want in your stomach, especially if you took a 
probiotic the night before (which I hope you did! Especially if you know your gut health needs extra support).

The thing about having coffee first thing in the morning is it can wipe out all the good bacteria that formed in your gut from your probiotic the night before. So it’s almost like the probiotic was a complete waste of your time and money.

Lemon water is the best thing to start your morning with! And next is your breakfast.

I learned about the 
Dirty Dozen list from my health coach. This is a list of fruits and veggies that have the highest pesticide count; therefore, these are the ones you’ll want to buy organic if your grocery budget is tighter. If you’re able, 100% organic would be ideal!

Pesticides wreak absolute havoc on your gut.

If you’ve clicked the link to the Dirty Dozen list above, you know that dark, leafy green are on that list. Which brings me to our morning shake.

Last week we talked about how important it is to eat plenty of veggies. 
Your morning shake is the perfect way to get veggies in first thing.

Here’s the recipe I use:
6 oz water
4 oz almond milk
1 c ice
1 large handful of ORGANIC dark, leafy greens
⅓ c fruit (berries are great, but I usually use pineapple)
1 scoop protein powder (I use 
Truvani but Nature’s Sunshine is also super yummy)
3 tbsp hemp seeds

You can play with it to your liking, but make sure you get your protein in there and don’t leave out the greens!

That's all for now, but be on the lookout for part 3 next week!

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

Step 1 of My Gut Healing Journey

Once I found out my eczema was gut health related, what did I do?

The VERY first thing I did? I honestly don’t remember. I think I just let it sink in. I may have started taking a probiotic again, but I wasn’t sure what the right steps were. I was in limbo for a little while.

A series of divine interventions led to me finding a free workshop my soon-to-be Health Coach was offering on gut health. I remember the flyer saying “eczema” and “gut health” and that’s all I really needed to be on board!

I went to her free workshop and then enrolled in her program. It was several weeks long during which time she educated us on different topics each week.

She talked about food. Grains. High glycemic versus low glycemic. Some things have stuck with me since going through her program like white rice and white potatoes versus brown rice and sweet potatoes. The first couple are high glycemic. The latter couple are low glycemic.

When you’re on a journey to heal your gut, low glycemic is easier on your digestive system. I still choose brown rice over white (in fact, I don’t even buy white rice and I cringe when it’s my only option eating out) and I order sweet potato fries over normal fries when I have the option.

Brown rice, quinoa & sweet potatoes are my easy go-tos when I’m trying to formulate a healthy meal.

Some easy (or no so easy?) things to cut out (or cut waaaaay back) are the super-inflammatory culprits. Gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol. Processed foods can also be very inflammatory. A lot of them are also filled with addictive chemicals so you keep overeating and buying more. Ideally you want your food to COME FROM a plant, not be MADE IN a plant. See the difference?

Another not-so-fun guideline was to avoid eating out at all costs. The bottom line is you don't know what goes on in the kitchen. The sourcing of the meat, the vegetables, how much salt or sugar is added, etc.

Speaking of sourcing of meat: 
organic, grass fed beef. organic, free range chicken. wild caught (rather than farm raised) seafood. As far as vegetables, organic is preferred. In season and local is even better.

Let me emphasize right now that a restrictive diet is NOT something I recommend long term. (Although cutting out processed foods and sticking with organic meats is always a good idea.) On a journey to heal your gut? Sure! But only eating 5-7 different foods all the time is NOT good for your health.

Variety is the spice of life, and variety in your diet is actually essential!

This was a “detox” for us in the program. A “reset” for our bodies. We would not follow these “rules” long term, but for these several weeks we did the best we could. We just ate a nice, clean diet filled with high quality whole foods. Although - like I said - a lot of these practices stayed with me and would be good for you as well!

Vegetables were a huge part of that. Fruit too (organic green apples and berries have the least sugar), but vegetables more-so. Making sure your plate is at least half veggies is really important.

CHEWING is also really important! One week Jackie challenged us to chew our food 30 times before swallowing. Try it! It’s difficult!

This just begins to scrape the surface of my journey, so hang on tight for part 2 next week.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

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