Confession: My Eczema is Back
Hi there, friends! It’s been a while. I disappeared there for a little bit (again!), and I wanted to explain why.

My main goal here is to help women with eczema overcome this struggle. It’s painful, embarrassing, annoying, disappointing and truly downright frustrating when you don’t know what the problem is.

So here’s what happened — first, I got pregnant (hello, morning sickness) so I disappeared for a bit. THEN my eczema came back. UGHHH this wasn’t supposed to happen, guys! I had just been posting about knowing your limits and saying it’s okay to eat *some* of your trigger foods in moderation once your eczema is under control. This is because for some of us, avoiding all our trigger foods all the time is really restricting and truly no way to live.

I was being SO hard on myself about the fact that I’m supposed to be the one you come to in order to get your eczema under control because I had been there and I got MY eczema under control. And then what happened?

PREGGO CRAVINGS. FRUIT is one of my eczema triggers. Well guess what? I haven’t been able to get enough fruit throughout this pregnancy. Plus I’m eating what seems like all the time and yummy high protein options don’t come with a large enough list when I'm avoiding my food triggers. So what have I been doing? Snacking on cheese.

So what you (or rather, I) have here is a perfect storm — zero restriction with my eczema trigger of fruit PLUS a daily intake of (albeit, organic) cheese which is inflammatory by nature. Because it’s yummy. And filling. And is supposed to actually be GOOD for you, but in my case my body’s just really sensitive to these things. And when you’re pregnant it’s a LOT harder to eat foods that aren’t super delicious just because you know they’re good for you. 

Add those two things on to the fact that your immune system takes a hit during pregnancy (Hello, gut health. Remember, 70% of your immune system is in your gut!) and you have a triple threat. 

So my eczema is back. 

But here’s the thing..

I know WHY it’s back. I know exactly what happened and what I’m doing to cause this. So I actually do have complete control. And I’m even proving to you that what I’ve said up until now is 100% true, because when I don’t go by what I’ve taught you — MY eczema comes back too!

As I said above, eczema is painful, embarrassing, annoying, and when this baby comes out, I don’t want him or her to have a momma with dry, scaley, cracking, bleeding hands! So I’ve upped my probiotic intake, I’m taking more digestive enzymes, and I’m really, really trying to cut back on my cheese and fruit intake! And I really have seen a difference!!

So my message to you is when you get to the point of getting your eczema under control and then it comes back, DON’T do what I did and be super hard on yourself. Evaluate the situation and make changes where you’re able. You did it before. You can do it again. And I’m here to help. Because I get you.

If you loved this blog post, there's more where that came from in my free Facebook group here. You'll want to get in there soon because that's where I'll be launching a 5 Day Eczema Relief Training in a couple weeks! 
Can't wait that long? You can also grab my new guide on 5 Steps to Taming an Eczema Flare Up here to get a jumpstart!


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