We live in a culture where it’s a badge of honor to run on little sleep and much caffeine. The reality is this is not a sustainable way of living, and one way or another, your body will cry out for help.
I used to looooooove coffee. In college I would get a triple espresso to keep my engine running. Nowadays I hardly ever have coffee. I still love the smell! And I still think it tastes great! But my body has become so accustomed to little to no caffeine that even a cup of coffee can be too much for my body to handle.
I’m not saying you need to give up your coffee. Not at all. I’m saying you don’t have to be so dependent on it. You can have your coffee just because it tastes good. Not because you won’t be able to function throughout your day or complete sentences otherwise.
Every body is different. In the health coaching world, we call this bioindividuality. What works for one person may not work for the next. This is a huge reason why I don’t believe one particular diet is the answer to a healthy population. But that’s another story for another day. :) That in mind, I do believe the general steps below will work for most, if not all, people to achieve a more energized life without depending on caffeine:
1. Sleep
First of all, we need to stop wearing our lack of sleep as a badge of honor. Your body needs sleep. Accept this, adjust & watch your life change. Sleep changes EVERYTHING. Shoot for 7-9 hours every night. And if you can, be in bed before 10. It makes a difference.
2. Hydrate
First thing in the morning, drink at least 8 oz of WATER. Hot coffee should not be the first thing your body receives each day. Room temperature to hot water with lemon in it is your ideal out-of-bed drink. Cold water can be a shock to your system, but if that’s what will get you to drink water, do it. Hot water with lemon is especially detoxifying to your system, can help break up phlegm & makes for a happy liver.
3. Breakfast
Ideally, 30 grams of protein to start your day. The easiest way to get this in is with a protein shake. If this terminology rubs you the wrong way, just call it a smoothie. Nature’s Sunshine and Truvani are a couple of my favorite brands – some other ones can be junk. Throw plenty of organic greens in there and not too much fruit. Maybe 1/3 cup or so. Hemp seeds are also a great additional source of protein to throw in there.
4. Your morning beverage of choice
By the time you’ve finished your water and smoothie, you’ll eventually get to the point where that’s enough and you don’t need your coffee anymore. Or maybe you’ll switch to tea. But this is the point where you’ll have your coffee if it’s still calling your name.

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