3 Easy Ways to Love the Earth
First, let me say I’m not an expert in this. We all have room for improvement, and yes — I still use some single use items, and I’m sure you will too. The idea isn’t perfection. The goal is just improvement. Any eco friendly swap here and there makes a difference.

3 of the easiest things I do to minimize how much waste my family and I produce are:

1. Use reusable water bottles (glass & stainless steel are my preferences) that you refill at home instead of using plastic bottled water from the store
  • Not only is drinking out of glass or stainless steel much better for your health than the plastic bottles, but this produces much less waste!
  • If for some reason you need to use plastic bottled water, at least do your very best to recycle the bottle when you’re done!
2. Store food in glass containers (mason jars, pyrex dishes) rather than ziploc bags
  • Food tastes better being stored in glass anyway!
  • I’ll admit I still use ziploc bags for certain things. I definitely prefer to store food in glass, but sometimes I run out of containers or what I’m trying to store is just too big for the container I have available, etc. Also when packing a lunch, weight is taken into account.
  • Using glass containers where you can is better than using plastic bags all the time! Remember, any reduction of waste is worth it!
3. Bring your own reusable grocery bags to the store
  • We all have the infamous plastic grocery bag of plastic grocery bags - am I right?? Do we really need more? Bringing your own grocery bags into the store with you eliminates the accumulation of extra plastic bags that we don’t need.
  • I do like to keep some plastic grocery bags on hand for household use! I line the bathroom trash cans with them and use them for other “waste” type purposes - without getting graphic :)
  • When I don’t have my reusable bags with me, I choose paper over plastic when I have the choice. I’ll reuse paper grocery bags too, and I actually prefer them over plastic most of the time. Not to mention the paper bags are biodegradable where the plastic bags are not.
Remember, this isn’t an all or nothing kind of thing, and there are so many other things you can do to love the earth! What are some things you do to reduce the amount of waste you and your family produce? Tell me in the comments below!

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