Spoiler Alert: You don’t need to count your calories to lose weight. 

As a Health Coach, I do not agree with the rule of “burn more calories than you consume.” I’ve never been a calorie counter, and you don’t have to be either.
Do you think 100 calories of soda and 100 calories of broccoli are processed the same by your body? Not at all! It’s time we think less about calorie intake and more about the quality of food that goes into our bodies.
I actually don’t look at the calorie count on ANYTHING I buy. I simply don’t care.

I DO look at the ingredient list.

How long is the list? Does it contain dyes? Are there really long words I don’t know how to pronounce?
Good rule of thumb: The less ingredients the better. This applies to literally everything.
You want your food to come FROM a plant, not be produced IN a plant. 

Eating as close to the source as possible is ideal. More whole foods, less processed foods.
Make half your plate vegetables at lunch and dinner! Snack on carrots or apple slices and peanut butter instead of potato chips.
Counting calories puts emphasis on the wrong thing. It can also lead to obsessive behaviors and eating disorders. That’s not our end goal! And it’s not sustainable. Do you really want to be counting calories in and calories out for the rest of your life? Of course not!

All you need to do is eat more foods with less ingredients. Eat REAL food. Not the fat-free, sugar-free junk you see on store shelves. On that note, I only buy whole milk for my family because the reduced-fat versions are filled with chemicals (the fat has to be replaced with something!).
Same with sugar-free items. The sugar is replaced with chemicals. If you think soda is poison, diet soda is even worse.
Don’t think about it too hard. Look at the ingredient list and see if you recognize the ingredients. If you can pronounce them. Extra bonus points if there’s no ingredient list at all!
Stop counting your calories & start enjoying your life. Just eat real food.

Snag my free guide on 5 Easy Steps to a More Centered, Energized Momma here.


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