The best thing you can do for yourself is stay active.
Exercise is just getting your body moving. It doesn’t have to be high-intensity interval training, CrossFit or running a track.
Keep reading to get some ideas on how you can stay active this summer, almost without noticing you’re doing it!
1. Go for a bike ride
This one is so fun! I love family bike rides and they’re even better if they result in a destination with ice cream. Not only is this great family bonding (or something fun to do with friends!), but you’re out in the fresh air, in the sun & your body is M.O.V.I.N.G. Add a basket, bell & big comfy seat onto that bike and you’ll be surprised what a nice time you’ll have!
2. Take the dog for a walk
I have been guilty of skipping walks for my pup on cold, snowy winter days – but that excuse is gone! Not only will your pup LOVE the little adventure, but she’ll be more content the rest of the day having had a little exercise. Plus, you’ll have had the chance to get your heart rate up!
3. Park farthest from the entrance
Don’t get me wrong – if it’s pouring rain, I’m looking for a parking spot closest to the entrance too. BUT if the weather is nice, having a bit of a walk to and from the store is a quick, easy way to get some more steps in for the day!
4. Walk to places you may normally drive
Going to the neighbor’s house? Hitting another store in the strip? Make a little extra effort to conserve the gas in your car and get moving a little more! :)
5. Listen on the move
I love to listen to podcasts or books in the car, so why not listen to them on a walk! It can be a great way to keep your mind busy while you get some great movement in.
6. Get outside
Whether you’re cutting the grass or going to a festival – as long as you make an effort to get outside this summer, getting some exercise is inevitable!
Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more wellness tips – free of charge. <3

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.


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