My number one weight loss tip & what I have noticed made (and continues to make) a huge difference in how I look and feel is so easy you might not believe it.
Eating. More. Vegetables. In the Health Coaching world we call this “crowding out” because it’s not about what you’re not eating or what you’re avoiding – it’s about what you’re filling yourself up with. What you’re eating first. What you’re eating most of. What you’re snacking on.
When possible, organic, local produce is the absolute best. I LOVE to shop at the farmers market for my vegetables. Not only do you get to see exactly who is growing your food, but you get to support local businesses and get a high quality product! You can also be sure the produce you’re buying is in season when you’re at the farmers market.
Out of season, conventional (non-organic) & far-traveled fruits & veggies do not have the nutrients that in-season, organic & local fruits & veggies have. I never went to the farmers market before I became a Health Coach. I highly recommend it!
Nutrition and your overall health is much more than what’s on your plate.
When you go to the farmers market, it’s a social event & it’s good for your soul. You can grab a coffee from a local business’s tent & then go for a smoothie! You hear live music, see people from around town & socialize! It’s also a REALLY good reason to get you out of bed in the morning on the weekends.
Something else to look into would be local farmstands! They may not show up at the farmers market, but they still have locally grown produce for sale! And their hours are usually better than the 4 hours one day a week the farmers market holds. :)
Give it a try and let me know what you thought in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more wellness tips – free of charge. <3

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.


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