Mindset: You Can Do This
You have the power to change.
Every moment, you are consciously choosing your reality.
In order to have what you’ve never had, you need to do what you’ve never done.
A healthy weight is attainable for you. Looking in the mirror and liking what you see is attainable for you. Clearing up eczema is attainable for you.
Half the battle is mindset. Sometimes we self-sabotage. Are we scared we’ll fail so we never try? Are we scared we’ll succeed and go out of our comfort zone? Are we just plain feeling sorry for ourselves, and we don’t believe we can do it? Imagine what we can accomplish if we just let ourselves reach our goals.
We are the authors of our own stories. We let what other people have said about us dictate how we see ourselves or how we think about ourselves and what we are capable of. 

The fact of the matter is other people’s opinion of you is none of your business.
And the other fact of the matter is that any time someone has something negative to say about you, they’re projecting their insecurities onto you. So not only is it true that other people’s opinion of you is none of your business, but it’s also not even about you. It’s about them.
It’s time to start believing in yourself. It’s time to stop self-sabotaging. You can do this. I believe in you. You are the only person you can depend on to truly and wholly take care of you always. You know what you need. You know your body.
So, if you haven’t started already, start taking care of yourself. If you have started, keep it going! I’m proud of you. Your body is a temple and it’s always talking to you. Honor your body, honor yourself. Shift your mindset from self-sabotage to self-care so you can live out your true potential, as you were meant to.

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.


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