How to Feel Energized Without Caffeine

We live in a culture where it’s a badge of honor to run on little sleep and much caffeine. The reality is this is not a sustainable way of living, and one way or another, your body will cry out for help.
I used to looooooove coffee. In college I would get a triple espresso to keep my engine running. Nowadays I hardly ever have coffee. I still love the smell! And I still think it tastes great! But my body has become so accustomed to little to no caffeine that even a cup of coffee can be too much for my body to handle.
I’m not saying you need to give up your coffee. Not at all. I’m saying you don’t have to be so dependent on it. You can have your coffee just because it tastes good. Not because you won’t be able to function throughout your day or complete sentences otherwise.
Every body is different. In the health coaching world, we call this bioindividuality. What works for one person may not work for the next. This is a huge reason why I don’t believe one particular diet is the answer to a healthy population. But that’s another story for another day. :) That in mind, I do believe the general steps below will work for most, if not all, people to achieve a more energized life without depending on caffeine:
1. Sleep
First of all, we need to stop wearing our lack of sleep as a badge of honor. Your body needs sleep. Accept this, adjust & watch your life change. Sleep changes EVERYTHING. Shoot for 7-9 hours every night. And if you can, be in bed before 10. It makes a difference.
2. Hydrate
First thing in the morning, drink at least 8 oz of WATER. Hot coffee should not be the first thing your body receives each day. Room temperature to hot water with lemon in it is your ideal out-of-bed drink. Cold water can be a shock to your system, but if that’s what will get you to drink water, do it. Hot water with lemon is especially detoxifying to your system, can help break up phlegm & makes for a happy liver.
3. Breakfast
Ideally, 30 grams of protein to start your day. The easiest way to get this in is with a protein shake. If this terminology rubs you the wrong way, just call it a smoothie. Nature’s Sunshine and Truvani are a couple of my favorite brands – some other ones can be junk. Throw plenty of organic greens in there and not too much fruit. Maybe 1/3 cup or so. Hemp seeds are also a great additional source of protein to throw in there.
4. Your morning beverage of choice
By the time you’ve finished your water and smoothie, you’ll eventually get to the point where that’s enough and you don’t need your coffee anymore. Or maybe you’ll switch to tea. But this is the point where you’ll have your coffee if it’s still calling your name.

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more wellness tips – free of charge. <3

How to Eat Well Without Breaking Your Budget

What if I told you there’s a way to not only SAVE MONEY but also EAT HEALTHY?! Would you do it? Heck yes you would, right??


It’s really not complicated – it’s actually very simple!

Two words: Meal. Planning.


That’s it! Although I recognize this is easier said than done. It takes time and effort, but aren’t you worth it? Yes! Yes, you are.


Meal planning is self-care. A well-balanced diet is self-care.


Meal planning is setting yourself up for success! You know what you like, you know where you shop, you know what you usually buy. Come up with your meal plan for the week (or the next two weeks) and set your grocery list from there!


You’ll find you already have ingredients for some of your meals in your pantry. Other ingredients you’ll be glad you wrote on your list because you definitely wouldn’t have thought to pick them up otherwise.


The weeks I have a meal plan & go shopping off the grocery list I compiled based off that meal plan – those are the weeks I come up UNDER budget on our grocery bill. YES. EVEN BUYING THE ORGANIC STUFF.


It truly pays to have a plan. But there are more than just financial benefits!


There are weeks I completely FAIL at meal planning. I’ll admit it. Meal planning has been my nemesis for YEARS. I do not feel creative when it comes to food, and most of my life I’ve had a very restricted diet so that limits my options even more. Because of this, I usually end up coming up with the same 3 meals ALL THE TIME much to the dismay of my husband – but I don’t enjoy it either!


Mix it up. Try one new recipe a week. Try one new vegetable a week! Make Saturdays meal planning days and Sundays grocery shopping days. Do not skip this! Work it into your schedule. Make it a priority. Because if you don’t........


You’ll end up snacking on chips and chocolate before dinner because you have no idea what to make, but you’re hungry NOW. You’re hungry NOW because you didn’t plan your lunch, so you didn’t have much to eat. You didn’t have much to eat because there isn’t much in the house. There isn’t much in the house because you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs! And you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs, so you end up snacking on chips and chocolate!!! Trust me. Been there.


Do you see how IMPORTANT meal planning is?!


It truly sets the tone for your entire week. It’s the difference between feeling nourished & happy or hungry & dissatisfied.


SO! Do yourself a favor, and DON’T. SKIP. MEAL. PLANNING.


You can find an affiliate link for my favorite meal planning/grocery list guide here

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more of my favorite wellness resources – free of charge. <3

This ONE THING Can Make Or Break Your Health

This is your reminder to take care of yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup. We can be so quick to take care of others, sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves.
I’ve seen this a lot in my life.
My dogs eat better than I do. I make sure my husband has lunches prepped for the week. I make sure my stepdaughter is getting enough sleep and eating enough vegetables. She doesn’t get dessert before dinner. Not because I’m mean – because I care. Because I know better.
Why shouldn’t I be treating myself with the same love and care? The answer? I SHOULD.
In order to care best for those around you, you need to make sure you’re caring for yourSELF. Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is nothing to feel guilty about. Self-care is a necessity. No one has the capacity to care for you the way you know to care for yourself.
Here are 25 examples of acts of Self-Care to get your wheels turning on what this may look like for you:

1. Make your bed in the morning
2. Make sure you have healthy, nourishing food in the house
3. Do yoga
4. Exercise
5. Go to bed early
6. Wake up early
7. Sleep in
8. Take a nap
9. Diffuse essential oils
10. Meditate
11. Meal prep
12. Wash your hair
13. Spend time in your hobby
14. Watch a Romantic Comedy
15. Have a Harry Potter marathon
16. Go out on a date with a loved one
17. Clean your house
18. De-clutter your space
19. Redecorate
20. Get your hair done
21. Get your eyebrows threaded
22. Buy the more expensive, chemical free, plant based soap
23. Say no
24. Say yes
25. Snuggle
The list goes on and on and it’s completely individualized to one’s taste. What you do to take care of yourself is up to you. You know you best, after all. This week I challenge you to make yourself a priority EVERY DAY. Then notice how you feel and report back to me. <3

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also request to join my new Facebook group for more tips to come – free of charge. <3

What You Should Know About Home Cooking

We don’t always feel like cooking, but the truth is - as far as your health goes – you’re better off cooking your own food instead of getting takeout or going to a restaurant. Even if you’re going to make burgers and fries at home, it’s going to be healthier than going to a burger joint. Here are 3 reasons why:
1. You’re making it with the best ingredient – Vitamin L (Love). I truly believe one’s heart and soul goes into what they cook. There’s a reason Grandma’s banana bread, Nona’s pasta sauce & Mom’s tuna salad are the best! Restaurant kitchens are filled with hustle and bustle and likely high stress. This translates to the food.
2. When you make the food at home, YOU control what goes in. How much salt, how much sugar, the quantity of ingredients, the quality of ingredients. Organic versus conventional. Things like that. This makes a HUGE impact on your health. While you’re at it, cook twice as much as you need and put half aside for another day! Make it easy on yourself – cook once, eat twice!! You’ll be so glad it’s there on the days you don’t have time for or just don’t feel like cooking.
3. You’ll save money and calories by making your meal at home! $3.50 for a glass of milk? You can get a half gallon of organic whole milk for that much. (Which by the way – keep in mind if you’re buying anything but whole milk – there’s probably extra junk in there. The fat has to be replaced with SOMETHING, and it’s usually chemicals.) If you’re a soda-while-I’m-out kind of person, it’s likely you’ll be drinking more soda at the restaurant than you would if you were home. Bless that waitress’ soul but a third refill of a 20 oz soda is probably not the best idea.
With all this in mind – there’s always an exception to the rule. This doesn’t mean you can never go out to eat. Social life is important, family time is important & sometimes you just don’t want to have to clean up after dinner. Your mental health is important too, it’s just all about balance! Think of it like the 90/10 (or 80/20) rule. 90% (or 80%) of the time, cook at home. 10% (or 20%) of the time, treat yourself and go out to eat!
In the end if you’re someone that eats restaurant food 5 days a week, narrowing it down to 3 days a week is progress! Remember health is a journey and it’s about PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just do your best. One healthy choice typically leads to another. <3

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also request to join my new Facebook group for more tips to come – free of charge. <3

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