Why I Buy Organic

Why I Buy Organic

First and foremost, let me clarify: ANY fruits and vegetables are better than NO fruits or vegetables. 

“Conventional” produce refers to a system of growing food that uses technology and synthetic chemicals to help increase yields. Conventional farming may include growing the same crop in the same plot each year, genetically modified organisms & synthetic chemicals that target insects & weeds. This is industrial agriculture.

“Organic” produce refers to food produced through more traditional, sustainable methods that align with the natural rhythms of the land. Organic regulations prohibit the use of antibiotics, hormones, GMOs & synthetic insecticides/herbicides. Organic methods help encourage biodiversity through crop rotation & support mineral-rich soil.

There’s a lot of debate on this topic, so let me point out the elephant in the room – there has been research that didn’t find any evidence that organic foods have higher nutrient content than conventionally cultivated foods; however, there has also been research supporting that organic foods contain more nutrients than conventional foods.

HOWEVER even if nutrient content is similar...

1. Organic produce may be significantly higher in antioxidants (particularly in terms of polyphenols - Google the benefits!) when compared to conventional produce

2. Conventionally cultivated produce may have up to 4x more pesticide residue than organic produce

3. Organic foods/practices help nourish the soil & keep it viable for future harvests, whereas conventional methods are more taxing on the environment

A big thing about organic is it avoids synthetic pesticides, it doesn’t put chemicals into the groundwater, it doesn’t affect the wildlife, it reduces fossil fuel consumption, & it tastes better.

Cost is a concern for many, so the good news is the Environmental Working Group tests produce every year for a pesticide count. “The Dirty Dozen” lists fruits & vegetables that tested highest for pesticides (which means these are better to purchase organic), and “The Clean Fifteen” lists the produce ranked lowest in pesticides (which means depending on budget & priority, one may choose to purchase conventional rather than organic). 

If you just buy organic produce from “The Dirty Dozen” list, you’re drastically decreasing your exposure to pesticides.

Pro tip: In the grocery store, organics typically have 5-digit price lookup (PLU) codes that begin with the number 9. Conventional produce usually have a 4-digit PLU code that begins with a 3 or 4.

Choosing organic foods in the supermarket can help you avoid pesticides, antibiotics & GMOs, but the organic certification process is costly, so a farm may use organic practices without being organically certified. Knowing how the food is grown is important, so if you’re at a farmer’s market where you can talk to the people growing the food – ask questions! Local, organic & seasonal is best.

How the Farmers Market Can Help You Lose Weight

My number one weight loss tip & what I have noticed made (and continues to make) a huge difference in how I look and feel is so easy you might not believe it.
Eating. More. Vegetables. In the Health Coaching world we call this “crowding out” because it’s not about what you’re not eating or what you’re avoiding – it’s about what you’re filling yourself up with. What you’re eating first. What you’re eating most of. What you’re snacking on.
When possible, organic, local produce is the absolute best. I LOVE to shop at the farmers market for my vegetables. Not only do you get to see exactly who is growing your food, but you get to support local businesses and get a high quality product! You can also be sure the produce you’re buying is in season when you’re at the farmers market.
Out of season, conventional (non-organic) & far-traveled fruits & veggies do not have the nutrients that in-season, organic & local fruits & veggies have. I never went to the farmers market before I became a Health Coach. I highly recommend it!
Nutrition and your overall health is much more than what’s on your plate.
When you go to the farmers market, it’s a social event & it’s good for your soul. You can grab a coffee from a local business’s tent & then go for a smoothie! You hear live music, see people from around town & socialize! It’s also a REALLY good reason to get you out of bed in the morning on the weekends.
Something else to look into would be local farmstands! They may not show up at the farmers market, but they still have locally grown produce for sale! And their hours are usually better than the 4 hours one day a week the farmers market holds. :)
Give it a try and let me know what you thought in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more wellness tips – free of charge. <3

You can also grab my free guide on 3 Easy Steps to Lose Weight and Feel Amazing here.

How to Eat Well Without Breaking Your Budget

What if I told you there’s a way to not only SAVE MONEY but also EAT HEALTHY?! Would you do it? Heck yes you would, right??


It’s really not complicated – it’s actually very simple!

Two words: Meal. Planning.


That’s it! Although I recognize this is easier said than done. It takes time and effort, but aren’t you worth it? Yes! Yes, you are.


Meal planning is self-care. A well-balanced diet is self-care.


Meal planning is setting yourself up for success! You know what you like, you know where you shop, you know what you usually buy. Come up with your meal plan for the week (or the next two weeks) and set your grocery list from there!


You’ll find you already have ingredients for some of your meals in your pantry. Other ingredients you’ll be glad you wrote on your list because you definitely wouldn’t have thought to pick them up otherwise.


The weeks I have a meal plan & go shopping off the grocery list I compiled based off that meal plan – those are the weeks I come up UNDER budget on our grocery bill. YES. EVEN BUYING THE ORGANIC STUFF.


It truly pays to have a plan. But there are more than just financial benefits!


There are weeks I completely FAIL at meal planning. I’ll admit it. Meal planning has been my nemesis for YEARS. I do not feel creative when it comes to food, and most of my life I’ve had a very restricted diet so that limits my options even more. Because of this, I usually end up coming up with the same 3 meals ALL THE TIME much to the dismay of my husband – but I don’t enjoy it either!


Mix it up. Try one new recipe a week. Try one new vegetable a week! Make Saturdays meal planning days and Sundays grocery shopping days. Do not skip this! Work it into your schedule. Make it a priority. Because if you don’t........


You’ll end up snacking on chips and chocolate before dinner because you have no idea what to make, but you’re hungry NOW. You’re hungry NOW because you didn’t plan your lunch, so you didn’t have much to eat. You didn’t have much to eat because there isn’t much in the house. There isn’t much in the house because you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs! And you didn’t go grocery shopping according to your needs, so you end up snacking on chips and chocolate!!! Trust me. Been there.


Do you see how IMPORTANT meal planning is?!


It truly sets the tone for your entire week. It’s the difference between feeling nourished & happy or hungry & dissatisfied.


SO! Do yourself a favor, and DON’T. SKIP. MEAL. PLANNING.


You can find an affiliate link for my favorite meal planning/grocery list guide here

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also join my Facebook group where you can find more of my favorite wellness resources – free of charge. <3

What You Should Know About Home Cooking

We don’t always feel like cooking, but the truth is - as far as your health goes – you’re better off cooking your own food instead of getting takeout or going to a restaurant. Even if you’re going to make burgers and fries at home, it’s going to be healthier than going to a burger joint. Here are 3 reasons why:
1. You’re making it with the best ingredient – Vitamin L (Love). I truly believe one’s heart and soul goes into what they cook. There’s a reason Grandma’s banana bread, Nona’s pasta sauce & Mom’s tuna salad are the best! Restaurant kitchens are filled with hustle and bustle and likely high stress. This translates to the food.
2. When you make the food at home, YOU control what goes in. How much salt, how much sugar, the quantity of ingredients, the quality of ingredients. Organic versus conventional. Things like that. This makes a HUGE impact on your health. While you’re at it, cook twice as much as you need and put half aside for another day! Make it easy on yourself – cook once, eat twice!! You’ll be so glad it’s there on the days you don’t have time for or just don’t feel like cooking.
3. You’ll save money and calories by making your meal at home! $3.50 for a glass of milk? You can get a half gallon of organic whole milk for that much. (Which by the way – keep in mind if you’re buying anything but whole milk – there’s probably extra junk in there. The fat has to be replaced with SOMETHING, and it’s usually chemicals.) If you’re a soda-while-I’m-out kind of person, it’s likely you’ll be drinking more soda at the restaurant than you would if you were home. Bless that waitress’ soul but a third refill of a 20 oz soda is probably not the best idea.
With all this in mind – there’s always an exception to the rule. This doesn’t mean you can never go out to eat. Social life is important, family time is important & sometimes you just don’t want to have to clean up after dinner. Your mental health is important too, it’s just all about balance! Think of it like the 90/10 (or 80/20) rule. 90% (or 80%) of the time, cook at home. 10% (or 20%) of the time, treat yourself and go out to eat!
In the end if you’re someone that eats restaurant food 5 days a week, narrowing it down to 3 days a week is progress! Remember health is a journey and it’s about PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, just do your best. One healthy choice typically leads to another. <3

Was this helpful for you? Let me know in the comments below! You can also request to join my new Facebook group for more tips to come – free of charge. <3

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