How to Easily Add Fruits & Veggies to Your Plate
My favorite way to store fruits and veggies is in large glass mason jars. They are space-efficient, sustainable, chemical-free & aesthetically pleasing. You really can’t go wrong!

It also reminds you that you have fruits and veggies in the fridge to eat because they’re staring at you right in the face!

When it comes to things that take up more space like lettuce, you could still stick with the mason jar method (chop it up and toss it in there), but you’ll end up using several mason jars.

This might be a good thing for you because you already have pre-portioned salads at your fingertips! You could also just use a big glass bowl and store it all in one container.

If I’m crunched for time, I’ll admit I will just wash the lettuce leaves and throw them whole in a plastic storage bag with a paper towel (if it’s too wet in there, it will go bad more easily). I’ve tried the reusable storage bags, but they just didn’t work for me.

While it’s best to buy produce that is in season, I do have my favorites that I like to keep in the house. 
  • Lemon slices for my morning water (or fish dishes - yum!)
  • Pineapple chunks for my morning smoothie and to put in my yogurt for a yummy snack!
  • Celery to eat plain, dip into nut butter or veggie dip
  • Carrots to eat plain, dip into veggie dip (or hummus, if you’re into that)
  • Slices of cucumber I’ll sometimes eat like a cracker with cheese! (But also, sliced cucumber is a really easy veggie to add into a meal)
  • Raw green beans that I always eat plain because they’re so yummy on their own!
  • Honeydew melon or cantaloupe when I crave a sweet treat!
Unfortunately, sometimes these fruits/veggies just look plain sad (because they’re not in season) BUT the good thing about this is that variety is the spice of life (and a variety in diet makes for a healthier gut) so this forces me to find something else to hold me over for the week (or sometimes the season). 

I am so glad farmers market season is coming up soon because that’s always where you’ll find the yummiest IN-SEASON fruits and veggies. If you can find an organic stand, that a double win.

Also, if you’re like me and get a little overzealous at the farmers market sometimes by overestimating how much you’ll actually eat during the week - throw your produce in the freezer instead of watching it go bad. That way you can either toss it in your smoothie, or throw it in the skillet while you cook dinner!

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